July 5, 2011

My favourite English website

EVAEASTON.COM: my favourite English website

Learning how to pronounce English language like a native speaker is very hard, but not impossible! The more you well pronounce, the more understanding between other people and you.

When you first try listening to your chosen language, you'll understand only a little or nothing at all, other than perhaps the names of people and places and the odd word, unless you're learning a language closely related to your mother tongue. You may even find it difficult to believe that what you're listening to is a real language that people are able to converse in. However if you continue to listen to your second language as much as possible, you will gradually become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of the language and start to be able to pick out words and phrases. Eventually you'll be able to understand most if not all of what you hear in your second language.

Before you start trying to speak a foreign language, spend some time tuning your ears to its sounds and rhythms. You can do this by listening to the language as much as possible via the radio, TV, movies, and online web sites, soft wares via internet connection. There are online web sites and soft wares in a wide variety of languages. One of them I can advise is


on learning how to pronounce foreign languages and on improving your listening comprehension.

EVA EASTON Authentic American Pronunciation is one of the online English courses offered by the Eva L.Easton’s website at E.L. Easton Materials for Teaching and Learning, which is rich and even entertaining for students and teachers alike. Eva L. Easton herself is an ESL teacher of speech & pronunciation at Bergen Community College in Paramus, New Jersey, US. Offering many audio recordings, the online pronunciation course is designed for tutoring students in aspects of English pronunciation starting from phonemes to stress patterns. Some songs, rhymes and tongue twisters based upon the phonemes, and readings of stories are also provided. The online pronunciation course, in addition, offers pronunciations of the aplhabet, articles "an", "article", "the", calendar, forms of address, homophones, numbers, irregular verbs, suffixes and some other words thought to be difficult for learners to pronounce, also some features of connected speech such as linking and reduction and expressions of greetings and responses. These materials devoted to pronunciation consist of the materials that Eva L. Easton has created for her own speech and pronunciation classes.

There are three main links and several other links relating with listening and pronunciation. These three links are Consonant Sounds, Vowel Sounds, and Teaching Pronunciation. The others are:

The Alphabet
Answering Machine Message
Article "a(n)"
Article "the"
Article "the" in Country names
Dessert, desert, to desert
Education Vocabulary
Forms of Address
Greetings and Response
Irregular verbs
Months of the Year

The Advantages of this website:
- Has a completely free version, no need to subscribe
- Very easy to use
- Have a change of seeing and listening many audible activities
- Can learn the sounds which are the first steps of correct pronunciation
- You can test yourself on pronunciation quizzes

Evaeaston on Youtube

The best point of this website is that you can learn it from youtube
for Example

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