August 5, 2011

Week 3 (cont): Grammar exercises

Sentence structure exercises from

My scores: 9/10  9/10  9/10


Some of the following word groups are fragments while others are simple sentences.  Revise any fragment to make a complete sentence.  If the word group is a simple sentence, write "correct" in the text box.  When you have finished, click the "Check My Work" button to view the correct answers.
NOTE:  No capital letters or end punctuation marks have been used.  Use subject-predicate units and complete thoughts to determine your answers.
1.  after the tornado struck the small town

2.  please read the chapter on sentence analysis

3.  they would like to collect money for the charity

4.  because you know that I dislike peanut butter

5.  the older man walking down the stairs

6.  whether we go to the zoo on Sunday or not

7.  the new idea created a buzz of excitement

8.  for example, the public's interest in reality television

9.  does that tree ever grow pinecones

10.  as the actress finished reading her monologue

Comma Splices and Fused Sentences 

Directions:  Revise each comma splice or fused sentence into a correct compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction and appropriate punctuation.  When you have completed the exercise, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the anwers.
1. In March, Harry was transferred to a new plant in Detroit, then he was laid off in June.
2. The CEO received a subscription to his favorite magazine, it arrived in the mail within two weeks.
3. The jury members deliberated for over two months, the judge has asked to meet with them today.
4.  We will travel to Bermuda this summer, we will stay home.
5.  The weather forecaster asked everyone to remain indoors, a storm was heading our way.
6.  My sister has over two thousand old record albums, she has very little storage space left.
7.  The sun is 93 million miles away it can still burn a person's skin badly.
8.  My  mother was born in Madrid, I had very little trouble learning Spanish.
9.  The new oil painting is very colorful, it will look good with our bright furnishings.
10. Many people believe in the curative powers of this water  they have felt relief after bathing in it.

Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

Directions:  Use semicolons and/or commas to revise each comma splice or fused sentence into a correct compound sentence.  If the sentence is already correct, write "correct" in the box beneath it.  When you have completed the exercise, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the correct answers.
1.  The group released a new CD today however it will not be available for a month.
2.  Two members of the Johnson family came to the picnic but neither of them stayed for the speeches.
3.  Everyone has an accent, but some accents are more recognizable than others.
4.  I unscrewed the old light bulb, then I put a new one into the socket.
5.  We haven't had much rain this summer, as a result, the trees are losing their leaves early.
6.  The gambler began the night with $2,000.00 in his pocket, it didn't take him long to lose all of his money.
7.  A search party looked for the dog for three days, however, there was no sign of him.
8.  After a good lunch at the restaurant, the boys went to a movie they found the story boring.
9.  He didn't like cats at all in fact he was terribly frightened of them.
10.The telephone rang and rang but no one answered it.

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